Originally Posted by missprincess
oh and IMO the way i look at sexy i think it outlasts cute anyday  sorry guys
coz i dont think that u can class one on the way a woman looks and the other as a personality trait if were going on purely the way a women initially looks IMO sexy is more enduring - and even if were going on both being personality traits i still think sexy is more enduring 
Well I hate to say it
But as I admitted, I'm not sexy at all. No false humility here; Its the honest truth. High heels and I are are not the best of friends....and I like longer skirts because my legs are too short for short ones...I don't have anything to show in the end, if you get my drift. I'm a total dweeb in personality too. I get happy joy joy over Harry Potter and foreign languages like a total idiot, and I'd rather spend all day playing with children than some of my adult friends.
..but if you were wanting korean men and didn't get one...
And I'm in a long-term relationship with one from a good, higher class family...
its not about being sexy. (yes, i'm sorry that sounds like bragging. I really couldn't find a better way to say what I think, but...)
I'm being serious, when I say, show more sexyness after you're in a long term relationship.
Until then, at least act more humble, cutesy, etc. Show a more innocent and sweeter side, I think thats what guys want long term.
Then after things are more established, be a little sexier. That way, you don't put off a guy thinking you're full of yourself, but instead give him a nice surprise that his girl has a spicy side to her.