Originally Posted by adem940
hmm, first of all I want to thank you for starting this thread because I am sure there are many guys out there who are wondering many things about women, well, I cant say I'm that curious about women but I always wondered how a woman feels when she is inlove with a man, thats what I want to know, not sure if this is the right question though ^^''
its cool, im glad u approve, i just thought we shud be allowed more of an insight into the mind of the opposite sex, btw guys you shud take this as a chance to make a 'ask the guys' thread
and to try and answer ur question, which is a tough and very broad one may i add
- for me i feel secure, stable, happy, warm and fuzzy and like the world just feels right - and like no matter how much stuff is going on around u, u can weather the storm coz ur with the person u wanna be with. i dont know how else to put it other then u feel 'complete'
wow i never knew i could be so corney (yuk)