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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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12-01-2010, 10:52 PM


I almost got run over by a car in Florence, Italy. That was quite an adventure, while it lasted xD

But yeh, I've always been treated well everywhere I've been to when travelling. Like this summer, I lost my phone on my very first day on Athens. I was in the cab headed to my hotel. I took my phone out and forgot to put it back in my bag so I left it there on the back seat. Then, when I was in the hotel lobby it just hit me. I didn't even bother looking for it cause I knew it was in the cab. I was like, OK! it's freaking 4 in the morning, I'm all alone in a foreign country and with no phone, go me! xD And then the most amazing thing happened. The cab driver actually drove all the way back to the hotel and gave it back to me I swear I felt like the luckiest person alive cause you know, it sucks when you land somewhere far from home and you lose something. But yayyy I got it back.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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