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(#70 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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12-02-2010, 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by NightBird View Post
Another questions...

- Is it better to learn writing first and then the rest or is it better to know how to speak it, with grammar and vocabulary and then writing? Or learn both in a same time?

- Do you have a complete list of Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana?
(I've found a Kanji list on Wikipedia with 1945 kanji but without any others informations) and what it means in "rômanji" or something like that? I think it would be interesting to help me... no?

(Tōyō kanji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
(Jōyō kanji - Wikipédia)

- Are these list of Katakana and Hiragana are good?

(Hiragana - Wikipédia)
(Katakana - Wikipédia)

Xmas soon lol!
Thank you again to take your time to help us!
goodness me you ask a lot of questions don't you. I see people falling over themselves trying to answer you, then arguing over DIPTHONGS-- whatever they might be. LOL.

I have some basic books with kana-- the type where I can practice writing them properly. I have teach yourself books and cd's plus other books.

Plenty are available via the net.
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