Thread: Fishing!
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12-02-2010, 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
No, I think a lot of people can relate to that, even professional fishermen. Do you know many fishermen release what they catch, these days? That might satisfy some of your concern.
Well, the harm's done so you might as well take it home and make a good meal out of it. By tossing the fish back into the water you're only prolonging its pain.

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Meat, unfortunately, comes from living creatures. We, not unlike many other animals, eat meat... so, the reality of killing to eat is... inevitable -- and natural -- but nonetheless cruel. Did we have to eat the fish? Probably not. However, my family was fed, it didn't go to waste, and it wasn't disrespected. There're many ways you can look at it, philosophically.We just happened to be the better "hunter" this time. The fish itself hunted our bait, believing it was a smaller creature to eat. It was a mistake. There are times that even human beings are succussfully hunted by other creatures. And animals don't always kill to eat. You can't blame them just as you can't blame us... but, I suppose with enough passion, you could accuse anyone of being unjust. Life is a beautiful thing, but it's unforgiving by nature.
Yeah, I get that. Like I said, I'm not against fishing and I understand the need for humans to feed on animals. There's people who don't eat meat so it is evitable to kill for food. Actually fish is the only meat I eat. And chicken. But I believe humans are too closely related to mammals to go and have them become our food. To me, eating a cow is pretty much like eating another human being LOL Nah it's not, but you get what I mean.

So yeah, don't take anything I said as a personal attack on you. I have lots of friends who like going fishing, I don't have a problem with that. Plus I get fish from the market all the time, so that makes me a killer too. Even worse. I pay so that I don't have to do the nasty job of killing it >.>'

Anyway, I didn't mean to throw in a controversial point. Enjoy your fishing!

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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