Originally Posted by zero0
but i think in a host club the club pays for the clothes and for the hairstylig stuff? im not sure if thats the case.
and in some of the clubs the hosts are not meant to go with the clients or thats what ive heard 
No the club does not pay for clothes or hairstyling.
The hosts are NEVER meant to go with the clients. That's what keeps the clients coming to the clubs.
Originally Posted by evanny
so..male hosts isn't anything unusual?
actually sounds fun  at least for a while...not to say - a life's profession but still
i think if you are foreigner (Scandinavian,Russian etc) its easier to be a host since i was told by friend who visited Japan for some time that Japanese can't consume as much sake/vodka. just for comparison - on average male here drinks 0.7 or even 1 litre of 40% vodka or some 8 to 10 beers (we only have 5.2% and up...don't have any 3.9...4%)...well from all the parties i've seen. so - less buzz and negative effects on mind 
List of countries by alcohol consumption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia