Originally Posted by siokan
Military results of South Korea.
A poor response of Korean Force and the flaw of arms are exposed.
It is mysterious why to have made the flaw of Korean Force public.
Are you familiar with the details of tactical battery fire or is it addressed in any of your sources? It was reported that civilians were present within close proximity to the NK artillery guns. Has it been determined what the purpose of the structures to the south were?
I don't know what the ROE or standard artillery tactics include, but it seems clear that the majority of the counter-battery shells were overshot to the north.
With that established, I have a theory...
Artillery can be fired in a chain of subsequent adjustments... meaning, they will initiate their fire with estimated calculations, and, in accordance with every impact, continue to correct it closer to the target until they're more effective. Notice that some of the rounds are considerably close to the target. It would make a lot of sense if the rounds began far north and were corrected to land southward, just before the emplacements. If it was believed the structures to the south contained any kind of civilian entity, it would be logical to begin estimated fire to the far north. However, that would also indicate a certain lack of confidence in accuracy.
Overall, it may be of strategic importance to make
some presence rather than none at all. That could justify firing rounds, even if they did not hit.
I wouldn't say it was an absolute display of error. There's simply not enough information (that I see) to completely support that conclusion. But it is an interesting picture nontheless.