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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
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Location: England
12-03-2010, 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
No system is perfect.

Also I think your comment on the 'idiots' getting priority over those who had 'heart attacks' or 'strokes' is perhaps wrong.

Personally I think the British healthcare system is excellent.

Edit: If the staff are arrogant it's due to long hours, lack of good pay, and the fact hardly anyone respect them - whether they work as a surgeon, or as a consultant, or even as the coroner - and you'll be suprised how much crap people give the nurses especially. The MRSA is a problem, but at least they're working to prevent it, such as hand sanitizers in every ward and public space and restricting visiting hours.
i dont know, i dont think thats an excuse for rotten behaviour i remember goin to the hospital coz my dad was diagnosed with cancer and he was having an operation to remove it, but they just stiched him back up without being able to - we didnt know anything at this point other then the operation was not succesful - so he was lying in the ward unconcious and i asked the nurse in charge to explain why and what had happened becoz we were crazy with worry - and she said to me 'let me take my break and ill be back in 20 mins'! lol i wanted to put her in a hospital bed! hed been in surgery for 13 hours and me and my elderly mother were stood in the ward waiting for him, worried beyond belief because we were told it was a very risky operation and she didnt feel the need to explain it she just left for her break! - and thats not a one off! we had to wait 1 whole day thats 24 hours b4 my friends mother could get her stroke, seen to by anyone! because guess what theres not enuff doctors on the weekend so GOD forbid you shud fall ill on the weekend! you might have had good experiences but i can say anything but, i think alot of stuff like this happens its just that no one really reports or mentions it coz the duty of care for a doctor is very low in the courts.

even now its coming out on the news about all these hidden cases of deaths due to negligence in certain hospitals - "Nineteen hospital trusts are today exposed as having alarmingly high death rates in a major report that also reveals how hundreds of people are dying needlessly because of substandard NHS care" - HERES THE LINK TO THIS ARTICLE - Exposed: the hospitals whose high death rates are failing the NHS | Society | The Observer

i remember about 10 years ago, how fantastic our hospitals and staff used to be, granted nurses dont get paid as much as they shud (cant say the same for doc's coz my cosins one and he gets paid thousands a week) but thats NO EXCUSE for bad behaviour if u dont like the job work somewhere else, there are other nurses who are more then happy to help and be polite and considerate, granted those ppl are few and far between now - but others shudnt treat patients like cattle.

Don't make someone a priority....... if your nothing more than an option to them

How can the world end at 2012 when my yogurt expires in 2013?

Last edited by missprincess : 12-03-2010 at 05:41 PM.
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