Wow. dude. So JAPAN attacked America so these CITIZENS, kids, women, unborn babies in their uterus, deserved to be burned in an atomic flame and their descendants should suffer from the aftereffect of the radiation for decades?
And how many civilians in Asia did the Japanese slaughter? Tell me what you know of the Rape of Nanking.
Wow. Just wow. Which hell are you from, mr. devil?
What hell were the militarists from? When one of your most senior Admirals (Yamamoto) warns you NOT to attack the United States? Why didn't you listen to him!
And the suicidal war? WHO was the one contemplated on how to "let them(Japanese) shoot the first shot" ?
The Japanese leadership made the choice, much to the sadness and sorrow of the people.
International politics is never a simple black and white. There are different views. I don't completely hold with Hiroshima Nagasaki sentiment either. But I think your view is a bit one sided dude.
Not at all. I know plenty of Japanese who agree with my assessments. I lived there for 15 years, did you?
Oh, wait, even 65 years later, America is doing the same thing to Iraq.
Do you see Saddam's brats raping any more women BTW?
Where was the weapon of mass destruction?
We acted on what intelligence we and 17 other nations had provided us. Blame Saddam for not being truthfull, trying to dodge UN inspections, corrupting the UN 's food for oil program.
Saddom was a bad guy (even though 'the weapon of mass destruction' was a downright lie) so these Iraqi citizens deserves killings and rapes eh?
They deserved to be free from the killings and rapings by your pal Saddam. And if we were so evil 65 years ago then why does Japan exist at all?
but apparently it's totally cool to forget bombing the shit out of Iraqi civilians we did in March-May 2003.
So it was totally cool to keep Saddam and his two murdering brats in power?
the U.S. clearly does this so to say 'we can do it but the Japanese can't!" is so very very asinine.
Wow....did I ever say it was wrong to remember what happened to Hiroshima? No...I say it should be remembered in context with the whole Pacific War. The Japanese are not victims, they allowed their government to carry them into a stupid suicidal conflict against better judgement. Hiroshima is as much a warning against blindly following dictatorial regimes as it is to the hell of total war.
Radiation is far too inhumane for a modern nation to consider in its repertoire for warfare.
Go talk to the Iranians then because if they keep going down the same road Japan traveled 65 years ago, Teheran will be the next Hiroshima under an Israeli nuclear warhead.
But 2 world wars, and Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq showed us that a war is not cool.
Have I ever said it was "cool"?