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(#3 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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12-04-2010, 11:11 PM

thanks for that. I feel its a shame not to be happy with the body you were given.

its like keepin up with the JONE's as we would say in UK.

Its good to be proud of who you are and not just want to follow the crowd.

I blame many of these celebrity magazines and shows really-- and the pictures in them are usually air brushed so not a true picture at all.

I wonder if MEn actually like women who have had boob jobs. having an artificial substance underneath the skin.

Also the other worry is those who believe they have to be skinny-- almost skeletal------------One of my gr daughers has anorexia and I swear its because of Victoria Beckham and her ilk.

It seems so artificial and unnecessary to me. Of course if people want to spend their money having surgery its up to them I guess.

I wonder what sort of surgery the men have.
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