12-05-2010, 03:24 AM
To get back to the actual question at hand...
牛乳 is cow`s milk. This has been answered pretty clearly. It`s the kind of milk people normally buy in cartons to drink. Not much of anything to add here.
ミルク is formula or powdered milk. Like the kind you add hot water to for babies.
It is also occasionally used to talk about a flavor - along the lines of "vanilla".
You will not encounter ミルク being used to talk about the type of normal types of milk people drink.
お乳 is not one you hear a lot. Breast milk is 母乳 or just おっぱい. 母乳 is not technical or scientific sounding. It is the regular term used for breast milk or breast feeding. (母乳 vs ミルク) おっぱい is the more childish way of referring to both the breasts and the breast milk. おっぱいを飲む is the standard term for babies at the breast. It`s sort of baby-talk.
For goat milk, 山羊乳 is pretty standard for the liquid form, and 山羊ミルク for powdered.
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