Originally Posted by LycanOtaku
Calcium, Iron, Protein, and Vitamin B... It's probably the Iron and Protein that I am lacking, as I don't partake in those as much as I should (which the iron is no surprise as I am borderline anemic)... lol... I have purchased a green tea extract based nail strengthener and I will be using that along with looking into repairing what damage I've done not eating right... At least I know it is not the vitamins that is an issue... I follow a very strict vitamin regimen (that is unfortunately lacking proper doses of Iron)... It is just the minerals I'm lacking in my diet, lol...
That's reassuring.
I'd add two thing if I may: to absorb iron it's necessary to absorb enough vitamin C, and you left it out, maybe because it was obvious...
And be careful with the green tea, it's a very affective diuretic, so it can be wrong when you lacking minerals... and also it has tannic acid which blocks the iron absorption...