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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
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12-05-2010, 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I think you have created a slippery slope argument. One women mentions "western eyes" on the Jessica Simpson special, but in that special they also talk about how larger eyes make a person look younger and more alert and expressive. So, as I see it, a statement by one women has now been carpeted over the entire continent of Asia.

Go to any bookstore in Japan and you will be hard pressed to find western magazines. Japanese women don't need to read western magazines as there are dozens on top of dozens of Japanese magazines already on shelves.
hmm im not taking one womans statement here - i wod never do that - like i sed stopping short of re-tracing every doc ive seen on this - ive heard a few women say this themselves - so im not theorising this out of my own mind, generally speaking if ur told by a group of women in diff places at diff times in diff programmes that alot of asian women feel this way - u tend to believe it - im not in asia nor have i ever been to japan so i know alot less on the way women think there - other then what im shown and thats what im goin on here - so maybe i am wrong - im not saying that im not - but from what ive seen - thats the conclusion i came to.

btw in that article dogsbody put up in another thread it also sed

"As attractive as Japanese women are there has long been a feeling that Western women were more beautiful. A character in a story published in 1908 by the famous Japanese novelist Soseki Natsume said that the women depicted in ukiyo-e woodcut prints “have disappointing narrow eyes compared with the clear-eyed women depicted in Western paintings...There are no Japanese woman in earth comparable to Madonna of Raffello Sanzio! Should there in fact be such a beauty she would never be considered Japanese.”


"These days in Japan, shampoo ads for Proctor & Gambles and Unilever feature glamorous Western blonds while those for the Japanese shampoo Tsubaki feature famous Japanese women and the slogan “Japanese women are beautiful.”

forgive me for reading such things and coming to the conclusion that maybe the west does have a big influence in asia - becoz thats the kind of stuff ive seen in the past aswell

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