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12-05-2010, 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
you don't see the real person.
Here here, but most people cannot accept the signs of age (and wisdom). It's a hard fact to realize, that someone might feel young and fresh on the inside, but may not appear so on the outside. Then, there are young women who feel too fat, or too small, or too whatever... I agree with you, people should be happy with what they were given. However, there are also people who need to have surgery for health reasons, like Obese people. For these kinds of health-related cases, I don't have a problem.

Originally Posted by missprincess View Post
hmm im not taking one womans statement here - i wod never do that - like i sed stopping short of re-tracing every doc ive seen on this - ive heard a few women say this themselves
I agree with her, even though the use of text-speak makes my brain hurt. I've heard many Japanese girls, when they come over, gush about Western music, and Western actresses (and Brad Pitt...), and it's hard not to believe that Japanese girls, I can't speak for women, but girls (age 12 - 27) are attracted to Western styles and famous people.

However, it also reciprocal. I'm half-Asian, and I have friends and complete strangers say how beautiful I am, just for being half (HALF) Asian. It's stupid. Don't get me wrong, I love my ancestry, but there's the same concept of adoration on BOTH sides. People will love what they cannot have (without expensive, grueling cosmetic surgery). I can't speak for other parts of the Western world, but Americans love tanned skin, while Japanese, for the most part, love pale skin. Japanese may like big eyes, but Americans still think Japanese and other Asian facial features are down-right gorgeous. It's just a weird mirroring social effect between two cultures that are very interested in each other.

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