Originally Posted by MuRaSaKiiNkI
Ah, I don't usually associate tanning + large breasts = black...but yeah I agree, same rationale. Although, I do believe that there is probably some envy on both sides. I also have American friends who want to be "asian" with the straight black hair, or like J-rockers, or J-poppers, or whatever they're called with the crazy hair styles, chains, and netting. I have also met Japanese girls who like blonde hair and long legs, etc. Meh, everyone has a stage in life where they're envious of somebody or want something new, hip, cool, expensive, etc.
I see your point. I agree that such people exist on both sides but I wouldn't class such people as representative of mainstream thinking or an overall trend.
lol.. for the record I never associated those things with being black or trying to be black either untill I heard someone say that Asians are getting eyelifts to try to look Western.
I simply based it on the fact that black people are darker and the stereotype that they are a bit more.. let's say "developed in particular areas" than us white folks (which might be true on average.. but not a rule of thumb which can be applied to individuals)