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(#35 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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12-05-2010, 11:48 PM

I think Japan, compared to the UK has fairly relaxed views on cosmetic surgery. I mean, there's less stigma about getting surgeries done just to look better, whereas in my area at least, people who get cosmetic surgery fall into one of three rough categories:
1) Having it done for a very good reason (to repair a physical defect or as a last resort to counter a psychological dysmorphia)
2) One of those insane fashion types, who would buy the latest It-shoes and surgery is just the next fad.
3) Chavs and WAG-wannabes.

so with the exception of 1), it's generally a negative view. I don't know anyone who's had any work done.
I hear orthodontist procedures are on the rise in Japan as well; straightening and whitening, though I don't imagine it's as wide-spread as other procedures yet.
There's also non-surgical things which are fairly particular to asia and Japan such as skin whitening lotions, or whitener in skin products. It's fairly common-place, or at least enough for me to have to check bottles carefully; lets just say that for some reason, 'white' is NOT the result it gives me! 8<

Originally Posted by MuRaSaKiiNkI View Post
Perhaps they never talked to a majority of Japanese people, perhaps they just did what you did and observed a handful of Japanese women and then based their article/doc on that basic observation?

Whether or not an article/documentary is accurate is the creator's responsibility, yes, but whether or not you believe it, support it, and reiterate it is YOUR decision. Be an informed and conscientious reader/watcher.
Hear hear! I've watched documentaries about Japan, about many places actually; they like to pick the most extreme or sensationalist characters and portray them as the rule. They did a little TV Doc about students on exchange at the university I went to in Japan. Know who they picked to represent us? The creepy Otaku kid who pretty much no-one had heard of, a large busty girl wearing no bra and a middle-aged man obsessed with proverbs. Yup... totally representative.

Last edited by Columbine : 12-06-2010 at 12:02 AM.
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