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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
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Location: England
12-06-2010, 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by MuRaSaKiiNkI View Post

Whether or not an article/documentary is accurate is the creator's responsibility, yes, but whether or not you believe it, support it, and reiterate it is YOUR decision. Be an informed and conscientious reader/watcher.
since i have little knowledge abt east asian culture in general when im told something on tv by someone who claims to have more knowledge then me i do believe it - if u watched a few doc's on a subject u have little to no idea about by someone whose lived there and claims to know about it i wouldnt call u ignorant for believing in what they say - just like if i were to believe what u all are saying about western influences in japan (because u all claim to know alot more abt it) wouldnt make me ignorant either - you cant blame someone for believing in something they have been told is the truth from more then one source - the only other way i can see myself being 'more informed' is planning a trip to asia and conducting a mass survery on everyone whose ever gotten plastic surgery and asking them why they did it

for eg, i saw a doc about head hunters in the amazon rain forest, about tribes who cut off human heads and in some situations even cannabalised - they took a video of these villagers admitting it was something that was practiced but has not been for some time - now ive never been to the amazon rainforest and i have no plans to go there anytime soon (esp to visit this tribe), so would u call it ignorant to believe that what these people are claiming is true??? or would you call it being ill informed?

Don't make someone a priority....... if your nothing more than an option to them

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