Originally Posted by missprincess
first of im not saying these women told me (at what point did i say that at all) and how many times do i have to stress that ive formed this perception from the docs were shown in the west where (IN THESE DOC'S) not sitting opposite me in a starbucks sipping coffee - these women have made such statements!
ive heard a few women say this themselves
That is what you said, so you can understand my confusion.
Originally Posted by missprincess
so challenge the validity of the journalists or whatever portraying such a notion to the west and not my inference from such - because usually u watch doc's because they inform u about things u dont know about, whether or not they are accurate is a whole diff thing
I would love to. I haven't seen most of the documentaries, you have. You are unable to tell me any names, channels, hosts, etc. of these documentaries, so I can't address them.
One I have seen. In it ONE Japanese women mentions western eyes. They also talk about how having large eyes makes one look younger and expressive, but you don't seem to want to acknowledge that.
Originally Posted by missprincess
same goes for the article - if u have issues abt whats mentioned within it then i suggest u go and dispute this with the writer and not the reader of the article
This is a forum. People say things in respond. Regarding that "article", it is a list of "facts". I asked the OP what she wanted to be addressed, as it is saying so much.
Originally Posted by missprincess
lastly no one is implying any cultural superiority anywhere - generally when u see a women on tv making a statement like im doing this because i want to look more western - u believe her statement - granted not all asians are getting plastic surgery to look western but there are SOME who are - and thats something that cant be denied esp when they go flat out admitting it on tv
Cultural superiority is EXACTLY what is being suggested.
If I see a woman on TV saying she wants more western looking eyes I think "This women wants western looking eyes". I do not come to the conclusion that all Asians want western looking eyes, or that people that get eye surgery are doing it to look white.
I wish you could remember the names of the other shows you saw Asian women saying this, as the Japanese and Koreans I know are very proud of who they are and would be quite offended at the notion of trying to deny their nationality to look like another race.