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(#11 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
12-06-2010, 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
not even close, Japanese people are the most humble, modest and timid people I've ever encountered in my life

That girl you see with bright green hair and incredibly erotic cosplay, would probably blush if you told her she was pretty, or not be able to answer you, and if she could she'd deny any nice thing you said about her
Is it a genuine shyness or modesty though? I know it's wrong to make assumptions because of how one dresses, but I'd imagine if someone had the confidence to wear something so revealing or attention-getting that they'd have the confidence to take a compliment too. I'm not saying that Japanese in their culture aren't naturally humble and modest like you said, but for those particular few who cosplay or dress so wildly is it still the same case?
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