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(#38 (permalink))
komitsuki (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Feb 2009
12-07-2010, 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
South Korea has vowed to retaliate to a point where NK will be incapacitated if it provokes once more.
America and SK performed massive drills near NK.
America and Japan performed gigantic drills near NK (44000 troops i think)
America, SK, Japan, China and many other countries support NK financially, a lot, not just SK, due to the 1953 armistice.
China until recently was thought to be backing NK fully with it's defense of the SK ship-sinking, though the cables tell a different story.

Most of what you said is so wrong.
No over reaction, NK is unpredictable to it's closest ally, China, and it has nukes and missiles to launch them with, which they've tested in the sea of Japan.
The leader is dying, and self righteous, and trying to give his son a country stronger than the one he's been leading...

Seriously. Pay attention.
Yeah. And I'm a South Korean living near the DMZ.

Seriously. Pay attention by looking at the South Korean public. We are more anti-government after this incident.

Think beyond the war and look closely at the South Korean National Assembly in Yeoido. It's actually collapsing.

North Korea doesn't need to make war. They are already collapsing the South Korean government without firing a single bullet after the island barrage.

JapanForum's semi-resident amateur linguist.
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