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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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12-07-2010, 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
There's no difference between pro-North and North-tolerant in South Korea. This is all thanks to the pro-American military dictatorships twice in the South Korean history.

This will help you: think like a South Korean.
To be honest I don't think South Koreans are that stupid. And even if the majority of them are.. why would I stoop to that level of stupidity?

The discussion of International relations is best done when language is used rationally and rhetoric is kept to a minimum (which is what I suspect the lack of distinction, if it exists in the mainstream, may be a result of rather than the fact that Koreans don't actually have the intelligence to tell the difference).

To say there is no difference in South Korea doesn't mean that there isn't a difference. It just means you're ignoring it.

Another example of such stupidity would be not knowing the difference between a Muslim and a terrorist. Not knowing the difference between a mosque and a cultural centre. Not knowing the difference between being AT ground zero to being TWO BLOCKS away from ground zero.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 12-07-2010 at 10:20 PM.
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