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(#32 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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12-08-2010, 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
WW2 had been going on for 4 years after Pearl Harbor. 400,000 Americans had died by then. Were the nukes justified? Yes. Japan wasn't going to surrender unless they were shown they had no alternatives. I'm not romaticizeing anything, that's simply how it was..I know it was horrible, the war was brutal. But in war, winning is what matters, because if you loose, the other side dictates how you live.

Hello? there was a massive amount of circumstantial evidence to indicate they had WMD's...Even Saddam's own generals were requesting them because they thought he had them too. All the worlds covert agencies, includeing Russia's, said he had them. We know he was involved with 6 known terror groups...and couldn't risk Bin ladin's group getting ahold of anything.

Can you imagine how the US would consider Bush if Saddam did have nerve agent x and Bin ladin managed to set up a bomb in the US that killed ten's of thousands with it? If you were in that postion..what would you do? Hope he doesn't have anything? or make sure he doesn't?

If someone is holding people hostage, and all your experts tell you he has a gun, you act as though he had a gun. To act otherwise is incompatent.

The President of the US must hold even 1 American life above any foreigner. He swears an oath on it. Truth be told I would hope the leader of any nation held his own people in higher reguard than someone not native to his land. I mean really...should Peyton Manning be more favorable to players on the other team than to his own team mates? That's what it's like with nation states.
are you an AMERICAN?
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