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chryuop (Offline)
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12-08-2010, 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post

~~ようにする most often means "to make an effort so that ~~ would occur".
Thank you. I guess both our languages see it the same way, but use it in different occasions. We use it a lot also in the immediate time and for a one time only occasion, while it seems in Japanese it involves more a habit or something on a longer period of time. We use it a lot to avoid using the imperative that can be rude (like my example of my mother) and it appears as a form to avoid mentioning negative consequenses. Even the example I put up about getting earlier to work it would be a polite request that hides an order. Even in organized crime they use this form (for example もう話せないようにして which is an order given to someone to kill someone else).

I guess I will have to go to google and see various example to learn in what way it is used in Japan. But at least now I know it is not only "try" like my grammar book taught me.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ

Last edited by chryuop : 12-08-2010 at 04:38 PM.
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