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BakaTensei (Offline)
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Retaining Knowledge - 12-08-2010, 05:10 PM

Was just wondering if anyone is similiar to me in the sense that when I begin learning something in japanese I almost fear moving onto something else incase I don't retain the knowledge and I end up going over the same exercises over and over again because of this. I know that when I finish the current book I'm on (Genki) I will ofcourse go over it again and make sure I've learnt everything I can from it, was just wondering if anyone uses an particular methods to help them retain knowledge. I know alot of people use flashcards and I have downloaded anki and plan on using it soon once I get the patience to sit down and make my own flashcards for it (yes I know you can download your own but would rather make sure the right information is there incase I download someone elses mistake).
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