Thread: Lost friend
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12-09-2010, 05:57 AM

I have actually tried that, but her parents have moved according to goggle maps. where their apartment block was there is a great big empty building site.

I have tried to say this to her parents by telephone, alas I don't speak Japanese and they don't speak English.

OK information; well if you know her you know her, if you don't that's ok.
I have some pics of her here Chizuko Aoki Christopher Rose in love | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

She loves pop music, Nick Cave, loves designer clothes, Yhoji Yamaoto, and she might seem crazy to anyone who meets her.

Her birthday if that is of any use is 10th March 1971. She lived in Ojima in Tokyo. She also trained as an English teacher and is superb at mathematics.

Is that information of any use?
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