sorry the late reply, thank you for the help!
I have a question, I already know the translation, but I need an explanation for the meaning, because I did not understand the sense:
for example if in japanese you say:
an exciting gesture of woman?
and you reply with:ドキドキしっぱなし。
It's the heart that keeps 'pounding' the subject but which? Of the speaker' or it's an exciting gesture to 'heard'? this heart that pounding of the other person ? (so not talking about the own heart pounding'?)
Second phrase: (the same)
1晩の値段 (the price for 1 night)
(It's the price for 1 night in which sense? That if someone wants to spend a night
with the speaker he required that price, or it's the price that the speaker paid to have 1 night? I understand right?)
reply:なにするかによる。(だんだん声低くなりながらw )散歩...手繋いで寝る....
" It depends what would you do. (while voice gets lower gradually) walk, to sleep hand in hand with, take a bath together and undress each other...
reply:そりゃもうちゅぱちゅぱ....やっぱメンタル、散歩 なら話聞いてくれるならお金いらない
Thanks again for the help!