Originally Posted by munzy
sorry the late reply, thank you for the help!
I have a question, I already know the translation, but I need an explanation for the meaning, because I did not understand the sense:
for example if in japanese you say:
an exciting gesture of woman?
and you reply with:ドキドキしっぱなし。
It's the heart that keeps 'pounding' the subject but which? Of the speaker' or it's an exciting gesture to 'heard'? this heart that pounding of the other person ? (so not talking about the own heart pounding'?)
Second phrase: (the same)
1晩の値段 (the price for 1 night)
(It's the price for 1 night in which sense? That if someone wants to spend a night with the speaker he required that price, or it's the price that the speaker paid to have 1 night? I understand right?)
reply:なにするかによる。(だんだん声低くなりながらw )散歩...手繋いで寝る....
" It depends what would you do. (while voice gets lower gradually) walk, to sleep hand in hand with, take a bath together and undress each other...
reply:そりゃもうちゅぱちゅぱ....やっぱメンタル、散歩 なら話聞いてくれるならお金いらない
Thanks again for the help! 
Err... what on earth are you reading?
「ドキッとする女の仕草?」 means something along the lines of "Gestures of an excited woman.", 'though in the context it has a slightly different meaning. I'll leave it to your mind to send it further down the gutter.
「-しっぱなし」 has a meaning of "has been (Verb)-ing", and generally has a negative nuance. (or at least a sense of being 'improper'.) 「ドキドキ」 is onomatopoeia (sound effects) for a heart beating (quickly). When followed by a 「する」, forming 「ドキドキする」, it means "to be excited."
This should be enough for you to connect the dots.
「1晩の値段」 refers to the fee of a certain type of service provider. Said service is carnal in nature.