12-10-2010, 04:00 AM
Ronin; it is a tenant. You have any idea what fatwa's are? Some Imam issues this and it becomes a tenant of the faith nearly as important as the Quran. It's just the way it is..Shiria doesn't negotiate and it wont compramise.
MMM; The Muslims ended up being driven back in Spain by El Cid, after the Muslims had intially invaded. Ironically he used the help of Spainish muslims to drive the rest out. The Muslim invasions of Europe happened before the Crusades by the way, the Crusades happened as a response. Plus, the muslim invasions of Europe continued well into the middle ages, several hundred years after the last crusader had left the holy land. This isn't a new thing here, islam has been wageing their jihad for over 1400 years, it has never stopped.
Fluffy; The new Paladin system is similer in function to how the German artillery works. I believe all of Nato is working on GPS type artillery with GPS rounds.