Originally Posted by arukan
Thanks a lot, Masaegu-san.
I have other questions.
Is 如し also used in everyday conversation? I wonder if you can show me examples of other sentences using 如し.
Also, what is the actual meaning of the second ことわざ ?
I read several sites explained different meanings of it.
如し is not a word we use on a daily basis. When people use it, it's often in quoting these proverbs.
When we actually use it as a word, it's usually in the form 如く. It's most often used in somewhat dramatic speech by adult speakersn and is seldom used by teenagers.
The meaning of 「過ぎたるはなお及ばざるがごとし」 is "Doing something in excess is as ineffective as not doing enough of it." Ignore any sites that tell you otherwise.