Originally Posted by komitsuki
South Korea in the 1950s used to have the same level of economy and social progress as in Afghanistan in the 2000. Many South Koreans right now still don't consider their own country a First World (Seonjinguk) technically.
Our president keep saying "Seonjinguk, Seonjinguk, Seonjinguk" many times, now it sounds like a Nazi era mantra.
I presonally think the First, Second, Third world countries distinction is a Cold War relic insignificant to the 21st century.
This is getting rather silly. Of course S. Korea is a First World Country. They import and export, have a strong economy.
If you think that designation is "Nazi era" then that is fine, but it doesn't help fuel the conversation. S. Koreans are not eaten by animals and live in electricity-free huts. It's OK that S. Korea is First World.