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inuzuki8605 (Offline)
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12-11-2010, 02:36 AM

So you're saying that there are way more Japanese men that date and marry Western or non-Japanese women? This is definitely the first time that I've heard about that, although I'm not complaining I guess.

Western women, like me for example, ask that question a lot because what I see when I walk out of my door, turn on my T.V., surf the web, even when I was in Japan (although I'd get hit on by the occasional Japanese guy), is Japanese women and foreign men. I do know of a few couples that are the other way around (even African American woman and Japanese guy) so I know it can happen and does happen sometimes. But, to me, it just wasn't very common. Or, at least, I didn't think it was.

I'm still looking on my Japanese language skills but from what I could make out from the Wiki clip, that's very interesting indeed. Was that just dating or marriage?

A New Face
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