Originally Posted by Maxful
By the way, masaegu san. Why is "要る" supported by particle "が" and not "を"?
For example: 僕はビザが要る。(I need a visa)
The only reason is that it's an
intransitive verb. I thought I had already spent quite some time explaining specifically to you the difference between transitive and intransitive....
A person cannot いる anything. Something may いる.
(Better writers would seldom use that kanji 要 to write the word.)
Likewise, a person cannot 降る anything. Things (rain, snow, etc.) can 降る.
You cannot 集まる anything. Things (stamps, CD's, paintings, etc.) can 集まる.
You said "For example: 僕はビザが要る。(I need a visa)"
"I need a visa" is only a translation. The "literal" translation would be "As for me, a visa is necessary."