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JF Ossan
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12-11-2010, 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
You're way off base man, sorry to say.
Students here don't follow their teachers, that's all there is to it.

I've never once met a Japanese person who believes Japanese people are better than others, in fact Japanese people have massive insecurity issues and admiration issues towards the US.

Maybe back in WW2 things were like you said, but not even close now, not even among older Japanese people who might have received that kind of education.
bELyVIS lived in Japan, just as you are. I think my very general opinion falls somewhere in between. I think IN GENERAL Japanese people are humble about there they stand in the world picture, but I learned through experience that sometimes that was an honest opinion, and sometimes that was being humble for the sake of conversation.

Talking to Japanese every day living in the US, literally EVERY DAY I hear about how Japanese do things better than other people. Whether it is customer service or culinary arts or electronics, I am reminded constantly how things are better in Japan... and many times (but not always) they are right.
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