Originally Posted by Decimus
Err... what on earth are you reading?

I know, funny jokes XD
Thanks for the replies..
I understand that can mean an 'the gesture of a woman that tries to exciten - or teasing gesture' it's almost the same, what I don't understand it's the reply that it's
so how to translate? Like this?
I has been excited? (「-しっぱなし」 has a meaning of "has been (Verb)-ing",)
This reply "I had been excited'" I still don't understand the meaning,
someone ask you "what's an exciting gesture of a woman"
and you reply "I had been excited"??
It don't make sense to me ;_;
The same for the second example: (I know the translation, what I don't understand it's the meaning of the "1晩の値段 ";
I understand that 「1晩の値段」 refers to the fee of a certain type of service provider. Said service is carnal in nature.
But I mean.... it's the price the
speaker (himself)
required for 1 night of service or at the contrary it's the price that
was asked to the speaker for the 1 night service?
That's what I dont understand....
1晩の値段 (the price for 1 night)
reply:なにするかによる。(だんだん声低くなりながらw )散歩...手繋いで寝る....
" It depends what would you do.
(want do you want to do with me, or it depend from what I want to do with the person?) (while voice gets lower gradually) walk, to sleep hand in hand with, take a bath together and undress each other...
Thanks again for any help is appreciate