Originally Posted by masaegu
Where in the phrase 「ドキッとする女の仕草?」 are you seeing "an excited woman"?
Chryuop read it correctly.
Sorry, I meant "exciting" as in "excitement-inducing", but for some reason I mistyped it as "excited" instead.
My bad.
Originally Posted by munzy
Thanks for the replies..
I understand that can mean an 'the gesture of a woman that tries to exciten - or teasing gesture' it's almost the same, what I don't understand it's the reply that it's
This reply "It's the heart that keeps 'pounding'" it's the heart that pounding that it's the exciting gesture or it's the speaker which the heart starts to pounding? But in this case, I don't understand the meaning,
what's the exciting gesture? - an heart that pounding? or My heart pounding (just to heard about a question that ask about an exciting gesture of a woman?) O.o? That's the problem I don't understand the meaning.
The same for the second example: (I know the translation, what I don't understand it's the meaning of the "1晩の値段 ";
I understand that 「1晩の値段」 refers to the fee of a certain type of service provider. Said service is carnal in nature.
But I mean.... it's the price the speaker (himself) required for 1 night of service or at the contrary it's the price that was asked to the speaker for the 1 night service?
That's what I dont understand....
1晩の値段 (the price for 1 night)
reply:なにするかによる。(だんだん声低くなりながらw )散歩...手繋いで寝る....
" It depends what would you do. (while voice gets lower gradually) walk, to sleep hand in hand with, take a bath together and undress each other...
Thanks again for any help is appreciate 
I can't quite understand your English, but I'll try to help where I can.
Judging by the context, it seems that the speaker of the line 「ドキドキしっぱなし」 is the one with the pounding heart.
Since 「1晩の値段」 precedes 「なにするかによる。(だんだん声低くなりながらw )散歩...手繋いで寝る....腕枕で寝る....一緒に風呂...脱が しあうのか...」 (and since the latter is a reply, it's a line by someone else), they probably mean something like this:
"How much for one night (with you/her)?"
"It depends on what you (want to) do. etc. etc."
I may be wrong though, and I probably am since I don't exactly watch AV movies.