Thanks again for reply!
That's the point,
the question
"How much for one night (with you/her)?"
it's the price for one night with you ?
or it's the price for one night with her?
the meaning change
if it's the price for 'one night with you' it mean that it's the speaker that required the things
if it's the price for one night with her, are the things that was/are required from the person toward the speaker.
It's not clear for me
As the same this:
It don't make sense to me even if it's the speaker the one with the pounding heart, what reply it's this?
If someone ask you "what's an exciting gesture of a woman"?
you reply with "I had been excited/pounding heart"?
What reply is this?
It could been reply 'it's the moviment of the hands, it's the eyes' etc...
but "I had been an exciting heart' it don't make sense, sorry again if I don't understand, and sorry my english.. I hope it's clear enough....
I don't know how to explain