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JF Ossan
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12-11-2010, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post

I wish you could hear your own argument. You're telling me that in order to avoid an outward racial profiling that I should just avoid certain stores?
That's not what I said at all. You went to a store frequented by tourists and were mad you were mistaken for a tourist.

Big deal.

That's like wearing a Yomiuri Giants cap and being mistaken for a Yomiuri Giants fan.

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
What you call self-righteousness, I look at as being a martyr to a cause. If no one ever calls out a problem then it doesn't get fixed. I could care less if tourists would have to show their visas, that's a necessary inconvenience to benefit from a discount IMO, but I digress on that.
I think you are starting to reach that point in your stay in Japan where little things that happen in Japan start to get on your nerves.

This is very common, and being aware of it can help you from becoming "that guy".

Look at what you are saying: "I am mad because I wasn't mistaken for a resident of Japan." The majority of Caucasians in Tokyo are not permanent residents. And then you go to a place specifically frequented by tourists in Tokyo, and complain for being mistaken for a tourist. What cause are you being a martyr for?

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
The fact of the matter is that there shouldn't be a kind of "Hey, he's not Japanese, so I'll give him a discount." If there was a kind of stipulation where if I wanted to earn a discount from a particular store then all I had to do was show my visa, then I'd be all for it, at least for tourists to benefit from. But to automatically give it to me is what bothers me.
Do they look at other East Asians who are non Japanese and guess whether they're Japanese or not if they can't tell, and then determine the discount? How does that system work?
You are applying Western values and sensibilities to an essentially homogeneous Asian society. You aren't the first, and won't be the last. I would say, just be aware you are doing it, as it will help you keep your sanity.

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
It all goes back to this "It's their society so you play by their rules" idea that many of those who I'd consider elitists have about Japan. Well you know what? I fvcking pay taxes to this country and I'm a part of it too. I shouldn't be treated differently based on my looks.
Please don't be insulted when I tell you I have heard dozens of people say this over the years. Again, this is a part of a very common syndrome that happens with people making extended stays in Japan. I don't think it's "culture shock" but more like "culture frustration". The novelty of living in Japan is starting to wear off, and now the things that you didn't notice a couple months ago because everything was so fresh and new are starting to get noticeable. It is normal. Most people are never aware of their own "lashing back". Being aware of it can help you keep yourself mentally above water.
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