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12-12-2010, 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I don't think that is what I said, but let's go back to what a "trophy wife" is: generally it is a much younger, traditionally beautiful woman that an older, less attractive but rich man can land because he can give her the lifestyle she wants.

Obviously these are superficial relationships, and is why you have very rich men, like Donald Trump, who have been married multiple times.

So there are two questions: 1) Does this happen in Japan? 2) Would an African American woman fit the description?

1) I don't know. I think men like Donald Trump need to be married as it is part of what is expected of them, like owning a limo or a private jet. It is a part of being a complete man (in that world of thinking). I don't know if that is as true in Japan... private lives are much more private, and infidelity, casual dating and discreet services can take place with little fear of exposure usually.

2) The idea of a trophy is it sits on the mantle, is nice to look at, but keeps her mouth shut. My impression is that almost any foreign woman would have a hard time fitting that IMAGE.

I am not sure what circles you plan on running around in, but I don't know any men in Japan who dated a woman just to show her off to his friends. That would be rather superficial.
So you didn't answer your own second question.... You basically confirmed what I said before about how NO WOMEN of the western world, black, white, American Asian, or otherwise, would fit the description of a "Trophy Wife" in Japan because of our personality and not our skin color. Your right, that would be superficial and doesn't really happen that often in Japanese society not even with Japanese couples (it would be too much like bragging). So in reality, it's not about being African American but being Western かな?

I don't think I ever said that I, personally, knew any men that liked to show off their women. I said that's what I thought about RealJames comment. However, I will say that the times are, indeed, changing and Japanese men in my generation (ages 18 - 28)are starting to be a lot more open minded about things. I guess I'll see for sure when I go back, huh?

A New Face
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