Originally Posted by MMM
Welcome to life as a foreigner in Japan. 99.999% of blue eyed people in Japan are not Japanese. That's not racism, that's reality.
And this is once again where you're saying it's okay to judge us just because there's less of us.
Originally Posted by MMM
I think your argument falls flat here, because you make it sound as if being a tourist is a bad thing. You've never been a tourist before? Are Japanese anti-tourist?
I'm not anti-tourist, I'm anti-unnaceptance. I don't see why foreigners can't live here without the pretext or notion that we all must be tourists because we're not Japanese.
Originally Posted by MMM
Were you rejected, given worse service, or treated poorly because of your "tourist" status?
Well, it did take me over a month to find an apartment, after several rejections for being gaijin. Or that I paid more up front for my apartment than my Japanese friend who moved into the same building (same apartment style). Granted, those aren't "tourist status," they're gaijin related though.
Poor service to me would be speaking to me in broken English as I'm fully well speaking in Japanese to them. Or being heckled by people on the streets who specifically target gaijins for their shops/wares.
Originally Posted by MMM
I do not understand what you are talking about. Were you offered the discount because you looked poor because you are white?
No, it was a correlation between not being Japanese and given a handout, compared to giving a minority in the states a handout for no reason.
Originally Posted by MMM
Just be aware you are starting to sound like one of those people I am describing.
I only sound like that because you're provoking my viewpoint without any legitimate merit to yours, IMO.
If voicing one complaint turns one disgruntled, then I don't know what it would take to be up to your standards.
Originally Posted by MMM
Those are racist stereotypes.
So is assuming I don't belong because I'm not Japanese.
Originally Posted by MMM
If 99% of the white people in Tokyo are tourists, and someone asks if you are a tourist, that isn't being racist, that is making a pretty safe assumption based on your race.
What's the difference? Assumptions are still ignorant, and they perpetuate stereotypes. These lead to racism.
Originally Posted by MMM
Is it racist to ask a Japanese man how many bowls of rice he eats a day?
In my opinion, yes. It is understood that rice is a major staple in the Japanese diet, but with that type of connotation, the question is an ignorant one.