12-12-2010, 03:22 AM
This has become a bit of a strange argument...
making assumptions based on looks is necessary to live, we all do it...
I spoke to a random Japanese stranger on the street a few days ago and she happened to not understand a word I said, even though my Japanese is pretty good now.
Then she replied in perfect English saying "Yeah.. I'm not from here, just visiting, I'm American.."
I assumed, based on her looks alone, that she was like 99.9999% of other Japanese people I come across.
Did I do something wrong? no...
Japanese people talk to foreigners in English just because they are white, but what if he's French and doesn't speak a word of English? Or what if he's born in Japan and just like them?
Did they do something wrong? no...
I honestly like being confused with a tourist because I can put them in their place in Japanese and I still haven't gotten over the enjoyment of doing that lol, in fact it only gets better as my Japanese gets better and I find better ways to do it ^^b
Regarding Japanese people thinking they are better than everyone else.
Patriotism is a completely different issue, many patriotic people everywhere in the world love their country but still don't think they are better than others, they just prefer their home over another. This is the category Japanese people fall into, not some weird belief of superiority that is being propagated by western minds.