Originally Posted by RealJames
Because your "friend" to the north has nukes and has shown huge irresponsibility with regards to military action.
in other words - they are a time bomb and Seoul is at their door-step, if not Seoul then maybe Japan.
China, North Korea reach consensus over crisis-Xinhua | Reuters
are you not too late to say this now? state councilor dai bingguo visited dprk and met kim jongil of course with a very good result. it makes think that how incompetent obama is.
thank you prc for bringing peace to the world! america loves you!
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
"Komitsuki is right and I suck balls"
listen boy. a thread about homosexuality is not allowed. sucking balls? how vulgar to a lady! this is not how a rational man should think!
Originally Posted by GoNative
Komisuki would certainly make a good little communist, he appears to believe in all the ridiculous propaganda without question! 
i am an american learning mandarin and been to china for weeks. i love china. does that make me a communist? you can call me a communist if you dislike me. i however do not think the republicans and the democrats properly represent my beloved america. do not worry too much china will fix america without obstructing our system.