Originally Posted by inuzuki8605
In your second question you said, "Would an African American woman fit the description?" In your answer, you generalized it to ALL WESTERN women. Forgive me, but not all Western women are African American women. So you didn't answer your own question. But really, it doesn't matter.
I think in my thinking, in this question, it doesn't matter if a woman is black or white, the answer was going to be the same, so I expanded my answer instead of just making it about African-American women.
Originally Posted by inuzuki8605
I think Nyororin has a good point. Even in America, interracial couples are looked at differently, even admired in some cases.
In a society that is a homogeneous as Japan, I don't know if "admiration" for this is used like it is in the US. With 99% of the population being Japanese, the expectation is that a son or daughter will marry another Japanese. This is essentially true in every other country in the world in that no parent expects their son or daughter to marry a foreigner, but Japan is also an island country of essentially one race.
Nyororin would be better at addressing this than me, as she is an non-native Japanese living with a Japanese husband and family in Japan.
Originally Posted by inuzuki8605
As for my age group, I have two friends who are getting married and they are in their mid 20s so that's not true.
My point is people in their mid-20s are not marrying "trophy wives" as I defined it above. If they are, then get out of where you are and get to Japan ASAP.
Originally Posted by inuzuki8605
Besides, I don't think I said I want to move there and get married the next day.... I was merely asking about the possibility of it because I am going to be moving there for a long time (possibly for good but I'm not sure yet). But please give me some credit, I do believe in dating for a few years first. haha. 
If you are there for a long period, then I am sure you will find a terrific mate if you are social and outgoing.