Originally Posted by MMM
Even reverse racism, aka positive discrimination, is, in the end, a negative. Examples of this are that Asians excel at math, or that black people are good at sports. Well, what if you are Asian and are not good at math, or you are black and aren't good at sports. Now you are not meeting an expectation that was placed on you simply because of your race.
You know as well as I do that a relationship based on a racial presumption is doomed to failure. That's why I no longer talk to any of those "friends" back in Japan. It wasn't about me, the person, but me the white American, and not only was the relationship shallow, I was also easily replaceable.
This is true, we are in complete agreement.
As far as an intercultural relationship is concerned though, those people who approve or disapprove of it don't need to do so for the right reasons.
What I mean is that if a black woman marries a japanese guy and all his family and friends are cool with it, the reasons are not such a big deal, so long as the marriage isn't under strain or pressure from those who can affect it.
If, on the other hand, it were negative discrimination, it would be a huge issue.
See where I'm headed with that?