Originally Posted by RealJames
l I don't love my japanese friends because they are japanese, it's kind of insulting that you'd hint at that, but I understand there are many who are that way and it's not like you know me that well so no offense taken 
I`m not necessarily referring to
you, but rather to those around you. To those who you are exposed to. There are tons of foreigners out there dating Japanese because, well, they can. The type of Japanese they date tend to be the type who date foreigners because they think it`s cool. It`s a subculture on it`s own, and I think that is what you are seeing. That is what is coloring your image of things. Well, that, some level of honeymoon thinking, and positive racism on your part toward Japanese people.
Japanese people have just as strong of opinions as anyone else. That they don`t and are all nice and kind people at heart is a huge stereotype. Likely it`s what you`ve experienced though as the wall that comes with superficial friendships will make all that invisible.
You just haven`t seen the other side of the wall.
It`s kind of like going to a performance and thinking that all the actors are really like that ... But there is another world behind the stage. The backstage world isn`t
bad, but it`s much much different than what is put on the stage for the public world to see...