Originally Posted by MMM
Absolutely. Most mothers and fathers have an image of what their child's wedding will be like. If he or she starts talking about marrying a foreigner, all of a sudden all these concretes turn into sand. How to interact with the families, who pays for what, where the wedding will take place, and about 1000 other textbook givens go up in smoke. Americans, at least, tend to do their own thing, but even in the US a wedding is a family affair. This is at least as true in Japan. In Japan marrying for love is a relatively new concept, so why would you put yourself in a situation where you are going to have difficulties from the beginning? It's like betting on the 25/1 horse rather than the 3/1 horse. In many ways it is a business contract, though us romantic Westerners don't like to think of it that way.
I think you've brought up an entirely different aspect of this intercultural relationships argument than we've been discussing, which is a good thing because it's a lot more tangible and real.
Although this is true in any culture, I'd like to know more about how this aspect of the relationships play out in Japan.
You already mentioned the marrying for love part, that's one thing which separates Japan from many parts of the word, what else is there?
Originally Posted by protheus
Interracial relationships, I really hate the term, more on point would be International relationships. We are not races, WE ARE A RACE...
Zoophilia is interracial, not human-human ones. Its a shame we adopted the term and use it on daily basis, a term invented exactly by racism criteria.
We've been over this, on page #1 I said:
Originally Posted by RealJames
There is only one race. The human race. 
Then inuzuki replied:
Originally Posted by inuzuki8605
RealJames you are absolutely right though. There is only one race in the world. Only the mind makes us truly different.
Maybe it's a good idea to change the title of the thread to intercultural? or international? (if that doesn't sound too much like the political relationships between countries lol)