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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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12-13-2010, 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
It's interesting you should say that, through teach English I meet a variety of people of all age groups, and mostly women, and the only thing they really have in common is their interest for English.
But I noticed the same thing you did, and I'll elaborate on it.
Younger women in junior high seem to want to be house wives and have kids,
Then in high school they start to want to make money and stuff,
Then in uni/college they almost all want to be workers and think the housewife thing is no good for them
Then after a few years working, they almost all go back to their junior high school ideals lol
I could go on stereotyping as age increases, but that's about right for the topic
OK.. perhaps you might have a point.

Is that really a Japanese thing though?

Growing up in New Zealand I would say the pattern is the same.
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