Originally Posted by missprincess
hmm if they liked you im guessing they prob wouldnt have told u since women hardly ever tell men they like them first (its like an unwritten rule) u never ask the guy out first, he shud ALWAYS ask you - coz its worse getting shot down as a girl, IMO thats prob what stopped her, and now shes married i think shes more ok with telling u coz she knows it wont go anywhere and she cant get shot down
thats my take on it
Naahhhhh~ I went to an all-girls school, let me tell you, this is ~totally~ group-mentality. Think about it, you have a large group of girls, presumably mostly friends with each other, and one guy who is mutually friends with all of them too. As the OP said, more than one person had feelings for him. The girls probably all knew this, but by unspoken agreement decided to not take it as an option because excepting a rare, open and (unusually magnanimous) election of a girl who could 'be the one ask you out', it would only create divisions and heartbreak. And even if a girl was elected, and you broke up later? Dissention in the ranks and a free-for-all.
Happened in my year group- five of my friends, of whom two crushed on the same guy. Rather than ruin A) their friendship with each other, b) upset their friendship with the other group members by making them pick a side to support and C) the friendship with the guy, they simply let it go.
Sorry Protheus, that's the downside of being the only guy in a group of girls. Popular myth is you become head of a harem. More likely you wind up single. On the plus side, you probably managed to keep more friends this way and understand women better by having had many as friends, which is fairly valued. And you were never single because you were a potato-faced loser either, but just in the wrong circumstance. Take heart!
EDIT: then again you can kick yourself all you like for not just ~asking~ one of them yourself. That would have solved the problem!