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RealJames (Offline)
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12-14-2010, 01:53 AM

Originally Posted by benhlandau View Post
Hi everyone,

I'm a 23 year old Canadian about to graduate with a Masters degree in Communication & Culture. My undergraduate degree was in English.

For the last year I have been planning to study in Japan on a 2011 Monbusho research scholarship, but after originally being accepted, I recently received news from the Japanese ministry of education that I was being demoted to ALTERNATE. As a result, I will most likely NOT get the scholarship.

Now I am wondering if I should continue with plans to live in Japan (I've now been studying the Japanese language for almost 2 years) as an English teacher, or just give up and look for a job in Toronto (where I live).

My question for all of you is, do people with Masters degrees get better jobs teaching English? Does it give me a significant advantage, or would I be stuck doing the same jobs as any other English teaching foreigner with a degree? At this point, I am only willing to dedicate a year to teaching English in Japan if a really good opportunity is available.

So what do you all think?

Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.
I think you'd have very little trouble getting a job teaching at a university, you may have to work for a year at a normal language school first to get experience teaching in Japan but, with a masters, yeah no problems.

Just come here on a working holidays visa, and throw your CV at as many schools as you can and see what comes back, it's a good experience even if you go back to Canada.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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