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(#5 (permalink))
Decimus (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 119
Join Date: Oct 2010
12-14-2010, 02:36 AM

Originally Posted by johndizzle888 View Post
New question:
If i wanted to say "I went to the library to read the newspaper"
would I say...
"toshyokande shinbuno yomini ikimashita"
"toshyokanni shinbuno yomini ikimashita" ?????????
"ni"「に」 or "he"「へ」 (pronounced "e"). The main verb is 「行く」 (iku). "I went to the library."

Also, when writing in romaji, particles (ha/wa, ga, wo/o, ni, de, he/e, etc.) should generally be separated from other words to avoid ambiguity.

(i.e."shinbun o" is clearer than "shinbuno")

「しょ」 is written as either "sho" (Hepburn romanization) or "syo" (Kunrei-shiki romanization) Not "shyo".

Of course, learning in romaji is mostly counterproductive anyway.

Last edited by Decimus : 12-14-2010 at 02:52 AM.
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