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(#8 (permalink))
Kelvindegrez (Offline)
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Join Date: Dec 2010
12-14-2010, 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by bELyVIS View Post
All the Japanese suicide letters that were translated to me sounded like a way to get back at someone for a wrong or extreme shame like flunking out of school or something.
I think we Westerners would get back at the other person first before we killed our self and as far as flunking out of school, our population in America would really drop if those kids killed themselves. Most of us here in America only think about depression in suicide.
There where many reason's why I wanted to commit suicide, here is main:
1. I didn't live up to my standards (because of self)
2. I didn't want to burden my family (because of others)
3. I wanted to get back at family (hurt they caused me)
all of these things were a way to fight back inward, not outward. It was one of the only things I had control over in that aspect.

Also I read of a suicide of an elderly couple that were completely happy but suffered too much physical pain.

One aspect of life I value is relationships, from my knowledge it seems relationships are really really important there. I find that attractive.

However if their is no life, their are no relationships...
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